Our Work

We advocate for a public agenda universally aimed at the region and population of the metropolitan city of Rio, i.e. at its 21 municipalities and 12 million inhabitants.



We connect actors and organisations committed to expanding Rio’s political agenda by encouraging them to collaborate with each other by organising debates, seminars, courses. We also encourage them to get to know other areas of Rio de Janeiro’s metropolitan region that lie beyond the beaten track as a way of valuing the metropolitan and ‘fluminense’ identity, i.e. from the state of Rio de Janeiro.


We aggregate, analyse and visually present data on the metropolitan city of Rio, thereby providing data-informed diagnoses on Rio’s challenges; based on a more accurate diagnosis of Rio’s issues we elaborate with partners from the network, public policy proposals (compiled in the document ‘Agenda Rio’); we then monitor public authorities on their work towards implementing these proposals


We engage in advocacy initiatives so that the proposals generated by Casa’s network reach public debates, media outlets, public authorities and fluminense society at large.

Public Policies Course

Today, we count on limited channels of dialogue and collaboration between governments and civil society, limited access to decision-making processes and the execution of public investments, in addition to an increasing loss in the credibility of political representation and elected agents. In the specific case of the fluminense population, once again, this is even more true the more distant from the central areas of the capital, though this applies to the entire state.


Participation Map

The expansion of Casa’s network members will be accompanied by regularly updating the Participation Map, which maps civil society organisations active in any of the 21 municipalities that make up Rio’s metropolitan territory.

See the map

Fórum Rio

This is the regular encounter between associates and partners of Casa Fluminense, always at different locations in the metropolitan city, to debate and propose public policies and to host dialogues with representatives of public authorities. Hosting each Fórum in different territories, whether in the capital city, Baixada Fluminense or Leste Fluminense, expands Casa’s grassroots reach and network of member organisations.


Casa Fluminense Fund

A tool to support mobilization initiatives, formulation and advocacy for public policies with social participation in the entire metropolitan city, the Fund offers support to collectives, movements, and citizens to strengthen capacities in day-to-day citizen activities and to deepen advocacy for the agenda and public management for the materialization of Agenda Rio’s priorities.


Inequality Map

The Inequality Map gathers 23 indicators on seven key themes related to the metropolitan reality of Rio de Janeiro: Mobility, Job Market, Poverty and Income, Education, Public and Citizen Safety, Health and Basic Sanitation. The data is updated according to the most recent publications of official sources.

See the map

Monitoring Panel of the Municipal Management

See which municipalities of the metropolis have the principal planning and public management tools obligatory by law: Target Plan, Master Plan, Municipal Urban Mobility Plan, Municipal Solid Waste Plan, Access to Information Law, and the execution of public consortia.


Book of SDG experiences in metropolitan Rio and in Brazil

The Book brings together 30 different experiences that indicate practical ways to reach the 2030 Agenda, both those explicitly aligned to the SDGs, and those that support public policies and actions that work towards achievement of the 2030 Agenda. The experiences presented here are divided in different categories: those that are aligned with the SDGs, but not yet aligned with the metropolitan scale; those that operate at the metropolitan scale to implement its sustainable development actions, but which have not incorporated SDGs into their work; and those that promote actions aligned with the 2030 Agenda and implement them at the metropolitan scale.

See the project

Legislative Panel

The need for a culture of monitoring and social control is still more evident in the cases of corruption scandals and the imprisonment of members of the Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro (ALERJ). In the effort to collaborate for the sake of greater transparency and the bettering of public management, Casa released the Legislative Panel, an easily navigable platform for the population to access the legislative production of ALERJ in the 2015-2017 period. 4,506 propositions were classified, amongst them 1,329 aligned with one or more Agenda Rio themes and 1,408 with the Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS) of the 2030 agenda.

See the panel